Currently browsing: Deposits

Interest Rates on Post Office Deposit

Have you considered opening a deposit in a post office? If you did not know about the details, here is a detailed insight into the ongoing interest rates on post office deposits to get you started. FinStat brings to you various financial data about the market and presents them in […]

Taxability on Post Office schemes

Interested in Post Office schemes? Wondering about the taxability aspect of it? This is an illusive area for many people. In our FinTalk article for this week, we are going to take you through an overview of the topic. Post Office schemes are for the benefit of all, and everyone […]

TDS – how much tax you pay on interest gained from deposits

TDS often confuses most of us. If you’ve been waiting for simple explanation about taxes you need to pay on interests earned against deposits, please take a look at our latest FinTalk article. Let us find out more about TDS and how it varies.  Stay updated with FinTalk by – apna […]

Investing in Deposits – why deposit rates are low?

Why FD rates are low?Interest rates in India and across most major economies are at historically low levels due tomeasures taken by central banks across countries including the RBI to support economic growth inthe aftermath of the pandemic.There are 3 key reasons why deposit rates in India are on the […]