Currently browsing: Finstat

Savings at your neighbourhood post office!

Have you considered opening a deposit in a post office? If you did not know about the details, here is a detailed insight into the ongoing interest rates on post office deposits to get you started. This #FinStat article has been updated to include the most recent rates. FinStat brings […]

Your Dream Two-Wheeler Can Now Be A Reality!

  Now getting a two-wheeler loan is easier than ever before. If you dream to own a bike or a scooter, perhaps the simplest way to get one is to buy a two-wheeler on a loan. Here is a detailed insight into the ongoing interest rates on two-wheeler loans by [...]

Fixed Deposit at NBFCs

A non-banking finance company (NBFC) is designed to offer different financial services, including bank-related financial services. NBFCs offer fixed deposits that are generally better in performance in terms of interest rates than normal FDs. Most NBFC have also increased their FD interest rates following the revision of #repo rates by the [...]

Fixed Deposit Rates

Today for our FinStat article, let’s take a look at the current FD rates of private banks, PSU banks and small finance banks, all in one place. FD interest rates have increased across numerous banks, giving you the perfect reason to get into the investment mood. You can compare the […]

Interest Rates on Car Loans

This week’s FinStat article is a detailed insight into the ongoing interest rates on car loans. If you are planning to buy your dream car but don’t know where to begin with finances, simply take a look at this and begin your assessment. In order to make it simple, we […]

Interest Rates on Personal Loan

Our FinStat article this week is a detailed insight into the ongoing interest rates on personal loans. Updated from the last time it was published, you’ll find the most recent rates here in one place. Now you don’t have to search every individual bank for finding out their interest rates. […]

Interest Rates on Two Wheeler Loans

Now getting a two wheeler loan is easier than ever before. If you dream to own a bike or a scooty, perhaps the simplest way to get one is to buy a two-wheeler on a loan. Here is a detailed insight into the ongoing interest rates on two-wheeler loans by […]

Interest Rates on Education Loan

Dream to make it big with your education? Need student loan for pursuing that degree or going to that university of choice? Of course, it is difficult to understand where you can begin. Let us bring to you our latest FinStat article to make the education loan decision easier for […]

Interest Rate on Gold Loans

This week’s FinStat article is a detailed insight into the ongoing interest rates on gold loans. Not many people are aware about gold loans and what it entails. In order to make it simple, we have the interest rates right here for you to consult. FinStat brings to you various […]