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Interest Rates on Education Loans

Dream to make it big with your education? Need student loan for pursuing that degree or going to that university of choice? Of course, it is difficult to understand where you can begin. Let us bring to you our latest FinStat article to make the education loan decision easier for […]

Premium for your mediclaim policy

Our latest FinStat article gives you a detailed insight into the ongoing premium for mediclaim policies. We all know how important mediclaim can be, especially in times of covid. If you don’t have one already, or just want to check one for next time, simply take a look at this […]

Interest Rates on Gold Loans

Let us present to you our latest FinStat article. It’s a detailed insight into the ongoing interest rates on gold loans. Not many people are aware about gold loans and what it entails. In order to make it simple, we have the interest rates right here for you to consult. […]

Ongoing Interest Rates on Car Loans

Our latest FinStat article gives you a detailed insight into the ongoing interest rates on car loans. If you are planning to buy your dream car but don’t know where to begin with finances, simply take a look at this and begin your assessment. In order to make it simple, […]

Interest Rates on Home Loans

Let’s take a look at our latest FinStat article. It’s a detailed insight into the ongoing interest rates on home loans. Buying a home is a dream for many but the home loan process is complicated and requires the right information to begin with. In order to make it simple, […]

Interest Rates on Personal Loans

Take a look at our FinStat article of this week. It’s a detailed insight into the ongoing interest rates on personal loans. Now you don’t have to search every individual bank for finding out their interest rates.  FinStat brings to you various financial data about the market and presents them […]

Fixed Deposit Rates

Welcome to #FinStat !  FinStat is a platform for up-to-date financial data and statistics, from where you can get an easy view of various types of current financial information in the market. Keep an eye on‘s posts for more info and keep yourself updated with the ongoing market trends. Today, let’s take […]